2nd Trimester

Anyone's baby measure behind in the first tri?

I had an u/s yesterday. I was supposed to be 7w5d, but all we saw was a yolk sac that is measuring 6w2d and a heartbeat couldn't be detected. The doc thinks I am going to miscarry. I had bloodwork done after the u/s and my progesterone is very low (only 8.8, which I know is not a good sign), but my HCG is 34,000.

I haven't had any cramping or bleeding and I can't shake the feeling that this is all just a big mistake and that everything is fine. I know that doesn't make sense given the facts, and maybe I am just in denial, but I am hoping for a miracle. I have a follow-up ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday and I am trying to stay positive.

Has anyone else experienced this and everything turned out to be fine?

"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world." - Jack Layton

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BFP #2 12/26/11 ~ EDD 9/6/12 ~ MMC discovered on 1/27/12 @ 8w1d (measured 6w2d)

BFP #3 8/10/12 ~ EDD 4/23/13 ~ MMC discovered on 9/13/12 @ 8w2d (measured 6w6d)
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