2nd Trimester

MIL asked how much weight I have gained...

Do you think this is rude? I am not sure if I am hormonal or not and maybe that is why I seem to think it is. Maybe I am just being sensitive...but it is not like we have a 'close' relationship where it may seem okay.

Last time I was pregnant with DS she was so focussed on my weight/size too...always commenting. At my baby shower she kept saying to all my friends/family how much bigger I had gotten since the week before (meanwhile I had just been to the doc cause I was measuring small). Everyone wanted to tell her to shut it! It makes me uncomfortable and self conscious that she puts so much emphasis on it ALL the time...

On a side note, she also used to ask me EVERY time I saw her, how much longer/when I was going to stop breastfeeding DS. It drove me nuts!!


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