2nd Trimester

Fruit/Veggie Ticker (rant)

Ok so I was sitting here and today was my orange day so I told my fiance. Well after that he wanted to know what the other fruits/veggies are that are coming up and I told him some of them really don't make sense to me.

So I pull up the list and show him (back story sorry forgot to mention :  hes a produce manager at The Fresh Market, so he KNOWS his fruits n veggies) and he couldn't believe the order these things are going in.  I thought some of them seemed a little weird but he confirmed that most of them are out of wack completely.

Now I understand its going by length but the circumference of some of them just dont add up to being bigger in the later weeks than some from the early weeks in the 3rd tri.

So I think the Bump needs a new ticker lol with some real actualizations of what produce item is in our bellies!  lol Smile

Ok rant over, just wanted to confirm what we have all been thinking hehe

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Dating: 7.1.2008 Engaged: 11.25.11 Austin: 07.21.12 Wedding: 5.4.2013
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