2nd Trimester

Meltdown yesterday--vent--

I had a tough day yesterday in general..It is so weird how one day I feel really good..the next awful..I was so exhausted and could not snap out of it..Then I went home and was sort of down and emotional..so I had some chocolate, peanut butter, potato chips..I swear it was like a pms eating rampage..I also was ready to yell at anyone--some guy walked into me on the street at lunch and I went nuts..Then I got my numbers for raise/bonus and was disappointed so I called my boss to complain! I never do things like that and I've been here for years! Bottom line is she is taking my concerns higher up and I might get a better increase..fingers crossed!Then I had a turkey burger with cheese for dinner with brussel sprouts (redeemable meal) and an ice cream sandwich for dessert--did anyone ever try the Ciao Bella ones--smores and key lime? Yum!I feel like WTH is wrong with me? I feel like I was more careful with my eating in the first trimester. I stopped having decaf coffee even..This week alone I had one cup of decaf a day at work..Today I decided to skip it. I have my glucose tolerance test next Saturday and I'm worried about it.. :(Today I'm tired but not as much and my mood seems to have improved. But I swear DH could do nothing to make me feel better. It was like PMS to the 100th degree..I will say that I looked into prenatal yoga classes and I'm planning on taking one this Sunday morning..so that could help with the emotions and also my aching lower back..

Anyone else having meltdowns of some sort--food, emotions, etc?


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