2nd Trimester

Shy Baby

So, I had my monthly check up yesterday and I asked my DR if she would take a peek at the baby to see if she could see whether it was a girl or boy.  She checked and my LO decided to have his/her legs closed tightly, and then when he/she opened them, the cord was there, so at first it looked like boy parts but then after a minute, my DR wiggled the baby a little and the cord started moving so she said, "nope, not obvious boy parts".  So, she said, "well, you're either having a boy or a girl".  LOL 

My baby, so shy already!!!!  I go for my a/s in 2 weeks and I'm secretly hoping my LO decides to hide again.  I love hearing everyone's guesses!!!! I posted my nub pic on in gender and I've received girl and boy guesses, so, it's gotta be one or the other right?

I still can't believe there is a baby in here!!!!!!

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