2nd Trimester

MIL rant

My DH and I are so excited about finding out the gender of our LO. We were calling and texting all of our family and friends. When we called his niece, we told her the news and what the baby's name will be (Savannah). My DH's mother was sitting in the same room with his niece and she told her the name. Her response was, "that's an ignorant name". I wasn't on the phone at the time but I could hear the conversation and I could see DH's face when he heard that.

We were both super pissed that she could say something like that. He told his niece to put her on the phone. She proceed to tell him that she will just call her by another name. I could see his face getting red. She is just lucky it wasn't me on the phone. DH stayed pretty calm and got off the phone as soon as he could.

We are both really pissed off about it. I can understand getting a snarky comment from a stranger but the grandmother?? That just kind of ruined it for us. 

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