2nd Trimester

It's just one of those days

My kids have been screaming all day and I'm so stressed out.

DH called and asks what's for dinner & I tell him ham & cheese croissant rolls & immediately he says "deli meat or prepackaged?" I said "prepackaged ham" and he said "I don't think I'll be eating, I don't like that stuff".

7 years of cooking for him (5 & 1/2 married) and he is such a PITA! 1/2 the week he turns his nose up at what I cook and I'm hormonal and exhausted and have a headache from screaming children and not in the mood for his childish food snubbing. To top it off, my daughter is pickier then he is so I'm sure she'll happily throw her croissant across the table, push her chair away and refuse to eat anything (as she does every night at dinner time). Thank GOD my son will eat anything I put infront of him. He's the only person I enjoy eating with in this house lately.

Ok, sorry, rant over. I'm just ready to put these things in the oven and I'm dreading the dirty looks I'm going to get over it.


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