2nd Trimester

Question for moms who already have LOs

What are you all planning on doing with your LOs when you go into labor?  DD will be 27 months when DD2 is born and I'm starting to worry about the logistics of finding someone to take care of her when/if we have to rush to the hospital.  Unfortunately, my parents live about 1.5 hours away from us and my MIL lives about 7 hours away by car.  I'm worried that one of them won't be able to get to our house before we have to leave for the hospital.  Especially because I keep hearing how quickly labor/delivery can go the second time around.  Most of our close friends live at least 30 minutes away from us and I can't really imagine calling them at 3 am and asking them to come over to babysit.  Do hopsitals allow you to have kids in the delivery room?  Even if they do, I really don't want to bring DD to the hospital.  I can't imagine having to focus on her when I'm in agony. 


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