2nd Trimester

I'm not quite sure what to do...

Ok, this probably sounds silly to stress about, but I have to have some advice! My 16 week checkup is tomorrow and the past two appointments our doctor has told my hubby and I that she would peek at this appointment. I have been so anxious about finding out what it is...I'm a FTM and I am such a planner! The reason I worry is because my doctor tends to be forgetful...I know she deals with a lot of women...but she didn't even remember something as silly as my husband passing out at our first appointment the last time we saw her. As with most insurances, ours won't cover an ultrasound just for gender...but we thought maybe if she said she would peek, that she wouldn't record it...or she could just note that it was medically necessary. But...I hate being pushy about things like that and I don't want to remind her that she said she would peek...because I don't want her to think we are asking for a "freebie". Should I casually ask her something that might tip her off, like, "How soon can we find out?" or should I just leave it alone and wait for my 20 week if she doesn't mention anything? You probably think I'm weird...but I'm not...just excited about my baby!

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