2nd Trimester

Maybe its just my pregnancy hormones...but

I work in a towing yard, we impound vehicles for surrounding police departments. We impounded a truck early Monday evening and the owner called this morning after being released from jail and informed me that there was a small 9 week old puppy in the vehicle. Mind you we cannot legally go through people's vehicles until they have been in our possession for over 30 days. I am absolutely pissed off the say the least. The man could have told the arresting officer that the dog was in the vehicle when he was arrested instead of waiting till he got out of jail. I called the police and told them of the situation and asked them to do something about the issue. Just makes my heart break for this little puppy that was locked in a truck for two whole days. The owner said he would come and get the puppy but I am tempted to not even let him have him. He is absolutely adorable. I already plan to give the man a piece of my mind. Sorry had to rant.  
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