2nd Trimester

Dog vs Baby poo... ? Gross

Ok, I know eww right? Well I have two small dogs and my corgi mix that has fairly long hair, is having some bowel problems. She starts to walk away from me and I realize she has a chuck of the problem in her fur covering her but.. ewww. Ok, so I am as grossed out about the situation as the next person but something has to be done. I grab like the entire roll of toilet paper and call my boyfriend in to help. I don't ask him to do the dirty work, because these dogs were mine to bring into our relationship so I try not to ask him for too much in such a bad situation. I only asked him to hold her. So he does and he's complaining about how horrible it smells, yes yes its gross. He's breathing threw his mouth and making sounds like darth vader. Over all he's being rather dramatic about the situation. In the end we need scissors so he goes and gets them. Then his says the thing that 'causes me concern, "If a baby's diaper smells like this I'm screwed."

I've changed a friends baby before with the luck of only getting pee diapers. My question, is it worse smelling then stepping in a pile of doggy poo? 

Oh and as for the dear boyfriend I kindly reminded him that not matter how bad the diapers smell I will NOT be the only one changing them. 

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