2nd Trimester

God works in mysterious ways...

Let me first start by saying, I am not really religious at all. Not that it matters...

Yesterday I was feeling so down in the dumps. Generally I'm a really positive happy person, and even when I'm upset - you'd never know it. I dont know if its hormones or what but lately I just felt very alone. I've been fighting with my mom and we havent talked in over a week (shes always been my biggest cheerleader though) My DH is working his butt off so we never really spend time together anymore. I have alot of friends but no real best friends that I hang out on a constant basis with. 

Yesterday, I got a congratulatory card in the mail from a old friend, asking if we could get together soon to catch up. So thoughtful! Then my boss called (I work from home) and asked if I could share the news with the rest of my team, as they all would be more then excited to know. She felt it would be better for me not to hide it, and that it would create a better support circle for me (They are awesome anyways though!) When I emailed them to share the news, I got so many encouraging emails, and phone calls. It was very nice! Truly turned my day around.

It's just weird that when you need something some how you are granted whats missing in your life. :) 

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