2nd Trimester

Implantation bleeding?

I need some advice, please. My LMP was December 22nd but then on January 9th I was having mild cramping & bleeding, but the weird thing was that it was like a backwards period (started out dark etc like the end of a period & thenchanged to real bleeding towards the end). I just assumed my cycle was off due to stress, but now I'm wondering if it could have been implantation bleeding? We are trying for another baby & tried to conceive during at the right time during my cycle, so I'm wondering if that bleeding could have been from implantation & if those of you who are pregnant now & had real implantation bleeding could tell me what it was like.  I feel like it's too early to make an appt. with my Dr about this.



Me: 42, DH: 43. We are so grateful to have a 2yr old daughter, conceived naturally after 3 miscarriages & no treatments (our Dr. gave us 1 more month to try on our own before advacing to IVF, & we conceived her naturally in January 2010)! Trying since April 2011 without sucess....MD said we were both "fine" & that if it wasn't happening, it was a chromosomal issue. Finally started Follistim 225mcg injections with an Ovidrel trigger November 2012. Bleeding 11 days post Ovidrel on November 25th. Starting the whole lab/Ultrasound/Follistim cycle again on November 27th...
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