2nd Trimester

Sleep -what is that??

I think I've entered into the no sleeping zone and there's no return lol!  I can fall alseep just fine, just as sleepy and comfy but wake up one million times tossing and turning! My hips hurt so bad in my sleep from only being able to sleep on one side or the other.  I really love sleeping on my side but more on my tummy and now that I can't its terrible!  Both hips were hurting so bad last night so I scooted over on my tummy a little then I couldn't sleep bc I thought I was squishing the baby.  So back on my side, hurting again so turned to my back.  My leg fell asleep, so I woke up in a panic like oh no I'm going to cut off the blood supply to the baby! Back on the other side which still hurts!  I did this all night long which made me wake up hot every 5 mins!! Poor dh did not sleep because of it either ugh.  I tried the Snoogle a while back and found that it was too big and hot, so I guess I'm going to look for a smaller regular body pillow -any recommendations for a body pillow for a hot sleeper?
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