2nd Trimester

Delayed cord clamping and cord blood donation/banking

I just posted this in a thread from yesterday on cord blood banking, but I figured I'd start a new thread as well so that it didn't get lost in that discussion.

In the other thread, a few posters said they weren't donating or banking cord blood because they wanted to do delayed cord cutting. Well, you can delay cord cutting AND still bank/donate cord blood. You can even collect cord blood for banking/donation after the placenta has been delivered.



It does decrease your chances of getting enough cord blood, but it's certainly worth trying!

Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), and DD2 (July 2012)

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Work. Life. Unbalanced (working mom stuff) ~ The Traveling Tots (traveling with kids) ~ Adventures of a Rookie Sewer (sewing/crafts) ~ Journey to Homebirth (homebirth and other childbirth-related stuff)

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