2nd Trimester

Funny Story!

I JUST, like I mean literally JUST found out that I am 21 weeks and 5 days pregnant TODAY! 

I know your probably wondering how could I have just found out...well I have had absolutely no and I mean no pregnancy symptoms...no morning sickness, nausea, etc. The only thing that made me question if I was pregnant or not...was the fact that I was working out constantly and eating right but I was still gaining weight around my stomach and my boobs were getting HUGE! 

I'm so blessed that my baby is ok, because my 21st birthday was on New Years Eve and yea I didn't get too crazy with drinking...its the simple fact that I still drank...

I'm just ever so happy that I'm healthy and that my baby is healthy!!!!

Now I'm overwhelmed cause I have to fast forward all my baby learning!!! 


Soon to be Mommy of Taj Hayden Hill!! BH + TM 4EVR+ALWYS
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