2nd Trimester

I just cried in public.

As if my previous post wasn't enough-

We found out our gym that we no longer go to was still charging us monthly rates. To make a long story short, our bank account number got linked to someone else's membership with the same name as me. The trainer couldn't explain the mishap, and offered no assistance. We won't be getting a refund for the couple months, but at this point I'm not sure I even care.

I went into the gym and got treated like crap. They acted like I was a psycho and it was my mistake. Which it wasn't. I held myself together, cancelled my account (again), and left. I didn't cry until I was outside. I just can't fathom how someone can treat a customer like that- especially when it was their mistake.

I would love to get online and write this person a horrible review, but we are teachers in a small community and things get around. I'm sure half of the town already knows about the pregnant lady at the gym who was upset.

Hey, at least it was a decent day outside, the sun will come up tomorrow, I have this site to vent to rather than people in the community.....and I have a fresh box of ice cream in the fridge!!! :D


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