2nd Trimester

2% vs. Whole milk M/S question

I had bad morning sickness during the first trimester and it carried over into the second for a while. The last few weeks though it has been trailing off and unless my stomach is completely empty, I don't throw up. During my morning sickness phase however, I noticed that drinking 2% milk made me throw up. I had it in the morning with my cereal and without fail it would send me to the toilet. I mentioned to my boyfriend that thin liquids seem to 'cause me to do that more often then say... a thicker one. (BTW anything with milk in it was fine, apart from cereal.) So he suggested whole milk. I haven't drank whole milk in a while but it worked! I didn't feel nauseous after having cereal. I could even drink a glass of it and not feel sick. The down fall, my boyfriend doesn't like whole milk, so we've been buying separate milk for the two of us. I kind of find that a waste of money and have been trying off and on to go back to the 2%, sadly with very little luck. Anyone else have this problem or something similar? It's hard for me to believe that such a small difference in a product could still 'cause me to get sick.
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