2nd Trimester

vent- kill my DH

bought car seat 3 weeks ago since LO doesn't fit in the infant one anymore. been so tired with the 2 kids and being pregnant so i actually passed out, literally between 2 sofas. DH decides that he has to do the carseats NOW. not 1 hour from now or tomorrow before 3 when my in-laws come over. So he wakes me up, tells me to watch the my son since my daughter is napping. So i get pissed. he doesn't get why i am mad. It is my fault, I am overreacting, blah blah blah..

i said he just doesn't get it if i am that tired to fall asleep like that he could have left me an hour. we both work , i wake up at night still with LO, but I am the bad person.


I could actually kill him

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