2nd Trimester

Nesting in full swing and pissed at DH (rant)

So I know my nesting is in full swing. I want to clean everything in my apartment. The problem is that its making me pissed at my DH in the process.

Let me explain. He comes from a family that, well lets just say, cleanliness isn't their strong point. In fact there are many times I went to his mothers house and was afraid to sit down. Well my DH, while not picking up all the bad habits definitely took on some. For instance, he will do the dishes, but only the plates, he will leave all the pots dirty. If I don't do them, they could sit there for weeks! It not that he wants to live in a dirty house, it just takes him a much longer time for it to "seem dirty" to him. He walks over piles of clothing or clutter and doesn't ever think, I should pick this up instead of just walking over it.

Anyways, the more I clean the more pissed I get because I feel like I want our place to be extra clean for the baby but I feel like if its just left up to him, it never will be. 

In all fairness, I haven't been the cleanist person in the world but I work a 40 hour a week job plus a part time babysitting job. DH is a student but only takes 2-3 classes and works part time at rite aid. He is home much more then I am and when I come home I'm so tired, I rarely feel like cleaning. I just expect him to pick up more of the slack. It just pisses me off so much sometimes.

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