November 2011 Moms

Days are feeling long....

I'm a first time mom and my DD is almost 8 weeks now. She sleeps most of the day as long as I stay home and work to soothe her after 1-2 hours of wakefulness. If I try to go out during the day to visit friends or run errands, she doesn't sleep and is very fussy for the remainder of the day/evening. I still try to get out to do things during the day, but most of the time I feel that it's not worth it because when she's fussy it makes me upset and stresses me out.

I'm finding that staying home all day in my small apartment waiting for DH to get home from work around 7pm is starting to get to me. I know that DD will be more interactive soon, but I feel like that time is never going to come. I read, clean the apartment, watch some daytime TV, and prep meals....I never thought I'd say this, but I think I miss work. Is anyone else feeling this way?

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