Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Eight weeks PP and still bleeding?

My daughter is 8 weeks. Around 6 weeks, my bleeding had nearly stopped. At my checkup, my doc said not to worry, some people bleed beyond the 6 weeks. With my other two children I bled a full six weeks, so I wasn't overly concerned. I have had extremely light bleeding ever since. So light I've been convinced it was the last day for two weeks now. 


Today; however, my bleeding has increased significantly. It's bright red and like day one or two of a period. I feel reasonably confident this isn't my period. I'm exclusively breast feeding and with my other children I didn't start my period until after I completely stopped nursing them (at 11 and 13 months). 


Has anyone experienced this or know anything about it?  Is it common or cause for concern?


Thanks ladies! 

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