June 2012 Moms

even only DH and I agreed,

So I really wanna be Team Green, for this pregnancy. We found out with DS and a big part of me regretted knowing as soon as I found out. I found out because DH really likes the idea of "planning things out" and since I was in nursing school I just figured it would be easier to have all the stuff we needed and know if it was gonna be all new clothing (first girl in that generation) or we could use hand me downs. So I told him pretty much 5 seconds after the BFP that I wanna be team green and he's like nope we're find out. I am thinking of telling the u/s tech (i'll have access to them since I work at the hospital) that even if she can see to say the baby isn't cooperating if he makes this a big big deal. I just wish he would give on some things and not be so stubborn.


Our Halloween Treat! Self-weaned at 23months Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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