June 2012 Moms

Crying in Inappropriate Places...

Have any of you had ridiculous crying episodes at the most inopportune times??...

Yesterday, I was a the grocery store to pick up a few things quickly and they just happened to have an event where kids went Trick-or-Treating through the store. It was so stinkin' cute! It took everything I had not to burst out in tears in the spaghetti aisle! LOL! It was the weirdest feeling because I was laughing at myself while trying not to cry hysterically. I guess I just thought it was so cute to see all the kids dressed up that it provoked my hormones. Until then, my hormones have been pretty much in check...but this just cracked me up! It felt like when it's raining but the sun is out...I was perfectly happy and fine...but was holding back immense tears.

Anyone else find themselves crying for no particular reason at all?!?... :) 

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