June 2012 Moms

I wish I was a dream analyzer...

I had this crazy dream last night that a baby was givin to me in  a small clear box....kinda like the ones dolls come in. I asked the woman who gave it to me if the baby could breathe and she said o ya its fine and disapears. So I'm walking around with this baby in a box and everytime I look down at it I think its dead. Just as I start to panic it moves, or smiles at me. At first the baby was small and sick looking but at the end of the dream it was still small but healthy. Then out of no where it bursts out of the box and its a dog....wtf???

I get the results today to find out if I was sensitized after my m/c (I'm rh negative) and my head has been nervous but my heart has been at peace about it. Like I just know everything is fine. I feel like the dream and today are linked...I just dont know how. And there is NOTHING online to help me anazlye my dream lol.

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