June 2012 Moms

oh this crazy pregnancy...

i never knew it would be like this...every day I discover something new and exciting (?)! i'm not complaining (in fact I love that my little bean is growing..) it's just so interesting to me that all of this happens!

yesterday started the crazy labia shooting pains. I read a few weeks ago about those, but thought "there's no way that will happen to me". nope. it happened. and it's shocking every time!

my hair is like a horses mane. I already have thick hair, but man...one strand of hair could hold up the golden gate bridge. plus all of the tiny baby hairs that are growing around my forehead are also wicked awesome.

and finally, the morning sickness...well, it's more like evening sickness. puked twice last night before bed. woke up at 3 a.m. and made DH get me some crackers and sprite, which he consumed half of.

Baby Boy - Born June 8, 2012 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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