June 2012 Moms

Pre-stuffed Turkey

My mom always pre-stuffs her turkey for Thanksgiving.  I've never liked stuffing so that's not an issue.  I was reading on WebMD and this is what it said :

Fresh Pre-Stuffed Poultry

A pre-stuffed turkey or chicken offers a short-cut to a guest-worthy meal. But the juice from fresh, raw poultry can mix with the stuffing and promote bacterial growth. Cooking protects most people, but pregnancy makes it harder to fight off infections. A safe alternative is buying frozen pre-stuffed poultry. Be sure to cook it directly from frozen ? don't let it defrost first. The thigh meat should hit 180 ?F.

Am I reading this right...I shouldn't eat turkey that has been pre-stuffed?  My mom will have no problem not stuffing the turkey but I just want to be sure before I ask her not to.
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