June 2012 Moms

I finally feel like I belong here! (even though I've been posting for awhile)

I had an awesome second ultrasound yesterday.  My doctor was concerned that we wouldn't see anything because I had an u/s at what he thought was 6wks 2days last Tuesday and all that was there was a sac.  That combined with my dropping progesterone the week before and he said he was feeling nervous about this pregnancy.  But yesterday I saw my little bean with an amazing heartbeat at 174bpm. :)  The baby is measuring at 6wks 3days so almost a full week off from what the doctor originally thought.  I didn't know it was possible to be so far off from a clomid baby but apparently I just ovulated later than expected. :)  Anyways, I'll be posting more often!  Looking forward to getting to know you ladies better! 
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