June 2012 Moms

Need a little advice

Good morning June bugs! How are you all feeling this morning? Still no symptoms here! At night I've been feeling the cramping but it doesn't feel like menstrual cramping it def feels like something is stretching in there which I hope is a good sign. It almost feels like when I would ovulate...anyone else been feeling this?

 Anyway I just needed a little advice today, DH and I have not told many people we are expecting. We've only told my parents, my sister, and his mom and brother. Well tonight I am having dinner with one of my bestfriends who I have totally been avoiding since I found out! We typically have a sushi date every few weeks together just by ourselves so we can catch up and what not. Yesterday when she asked me if we were still on for dinner I said yes but that I didn't want sushi. I'm sure she was stunned because I never say that and that's kind of our thing; we order a couple glasses of wine and girl talk and it's one of the things that I look forward to after a long day at work. I know she's going to ask me about it because I have been very open with her when we were ttc. And I'm sure it's going to look pretty obvious when we aren't eating sushi and I'm not drinking. Should I just tell her? DH and I kind of made a pact with eachother that we werent going to tell anyone else until after the 1st u/s. I asked him if I could just tell her, I know that if I tell her to keep it quiet she would but he made a pretty big deal out of the fact that he hasn't told anyone else and "I" was the one that was big on not telling everyone until we made sure everything was okay. I just don't want to lie and I'm pretty sure she's going to figure it out anyway. However, my husband is right and I was the one that was all concerned about not telling anyone until I was further along and we got confirmation from the doctor. I told him he could tell his bestfriend if I was able to tell mine and he still didn't budge lol. What should I do?

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