January 2012 Moms

DH driving me crazy (vent)

DH wants to open his own business, which I am completely supportive of...with the exception of the timing.  We have been talking about building a house ever since we got married.  We  had a small house we lived in until his father passed away last fall, and then we moved in with his mother to help her for a while (it's a huge house, we could fit our old house in the top floor we are staying in).  Recently DH has decided that instead of running the business out of our house (which is not his job, just a little side business that he wants to do), he wants to build a building to house his little business.  I really don't mind that EXCEPT that he wants us to continue living with his mother and build his little building BEFORE we build our house.  I love my MIL and we get along great, but she doesn't want us living with her for another 2 yrs and neither do I!!! DH is very stubborn and I don't quite know how to get him to listen and understand without him getting mad.  I just feel that our family and home should come before this building (which is going to cost about $30,000 to build).  On top of that, he has been so wrapped up in this business thing that I feel like LO and I a million miles away from him.  He hasn't even felt her kick because he has been so preoccupied with everything else.  I'm just so frustrated right now! Any advice?
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