January 2012 Moms

UPDATE from last night RE: Ovarian cyst...

I had my check up today and mentioned the pain to my Dr. He touched the area and it is VERY tender to the touch so I winced in pain. He apologixed and said that he had to feel it again. He said he was pretty sure what he was feeling is a baby part, but the tenderness in that area is a concern. He doesn't think it's a cyst though. He's worried that it's from the scar tissue left behind after I had a huge fibroid removed (on that same side) and it's getting stretched and may be getting weak. That's the concern he has and why he doesn't want me to labor (I'm having a planned c section). My blood pressure was also elevated today as well. Their u/s machines were having difficulties today, so I go on Thursday to have an U/S so he can check things out. He did tell me that if I start to bleed or the pain is unbearable that I should head straight to the ER :(

My worse fear, even before getting pregnant, was having a premature baby, so now I'm a bit scared. He has me on lift restriction at work and doesn't want me lifting any of the babies. It really doesn't even make sense for me to go to work then, but I'm going to go and just sit around and rock the unhappy babies. Just no changing diapers and lifting them from high chairs and such. If my uterus is already growing weak from the baby growing, there is probably a slim chance I will make it to January...

Nia, Mom to Jayden Michael, Born 12/04/06, Adopted 12/07/06
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011 image
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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