January 2012 Moms

I think I made the waitress cry...

My sister and I went to Applebee's for lunch today. I ordered the chicken fingers & fries basket with ranch. Our waitress came over and set my food down and said "Oh! They forgot your ranch, I'll run back and get it."

She then proceeds to stop and talk to three tables. Just went I think she's going to the kitchen, she walks around the bar to the other side of the restaurant and goes to two other tables. She takes the order for the last table, walks to the computer and inputs their order. THEN, the stands around the bar talking to one of her co-workers. About 15 minutes after she dropped off my food she finally comes walking over with my ranch and the waters we ordered.

She sets the ranch down and asks, "So, how is your food tasting?" I looked right at her and said, "Well, I wouldn't know since I haven't eaten anything because you decided to wait on every other customer in this establishment and have social time before getting me my ranch dressing." She just looked at me and ran off. She didn't come back for nearly a half hour to give us our bill.

I'm sorry, I probably could have said what I said in a nicer tone...but at the same time as a waitress you shouldn't take 15 minutes to bring over something that was forgotten in my order and have social time with her co-workers in the process. Plus, it's necessary to have the dipping sauce for chicken fingers...everyone knows that!!!

Moral of the story: Don't make a pregnant woman wait 15 minutes to eat with her food staring her in the face!

Lots of love and luck to Squishy622 (Welcome Maya!) and salt78 (Welcome Betty!) <3<3<3 <br> ~*Much luck, love, and unicorn farts to my BFPB ukcats (Welcome Avery!)*~
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