January 2012 Moms

Crazy dreams!

Ok so I may be off my rocker but LO is giving me some CRAZY-A dreams! 

One example: (DH and I have previously discussed adoption so there's where this one stemmed)

Time: Present day (6mo. pg)

Place: My home(and apparently in this dream DH and I lived with my parents)

There's a knock on the door and a woman in scrubs and a Dr's coat comes in, asks for me, and hands me a newborn baby girl.  I ask where she came from because the lady is just leaving her with me. She tells me that she can't say but she (the baby) was just born and released from the hospital and she's healthy.

She leaves - with me holding this child and I think - Oh! OK so we can use actual LO's stuff with this baby... and then it occurs to me that we have next to nothing prepared for the acutal LO on the way! So, the dream ends with me trying to figure out how to transport baby to Target, with no car seat.Indifferent

Geez Louise.

 Guess I need to buckle down on getting things ready for LO

Anyone Else??

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