January 2012 Moms

WWYD (regarding my prev post about new daycare)

Since I need to look for a new daycare provider by next August at the very latest I'm wondering what is better.

DH and I both work downtown which is 1hr+ away from home. (There have been 3+hr drives to work/back home due to snow!)

So do we look for a daycare close to home or close to work?

I'm more familiar with the area we live in and like it very much. But with it being so far away I'm almost wondering if it's better to look for something close to work. Then we wouldn't have to worry about making it to work on time or even more so making it back in time for picking up our baby girl. And since we already waste so much time in the car I'd rather spend the time with the baby even if we are just driving.... Another thing is,  if we needed to pick her up sooner due to illness etc, we could get there much quicker...

So WWYD. Look for something close to work or home?

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