January 2012 Moms

getting demoted at work

So I work full time for this little farmstand (indoors, kindof like a mini Whole Foods or something) and I was the baker. I told my boss right after I found out I was pregnant back in April that I would like to switch back to cashiering in September. They have been fairly accomadating, the owner has sent me home a couple times if he hears I'm sick and I've asked a couple times but I always make sure my shift is covered. But most of the time I suck it up and make it through. Well the other day the owner calls me into his office and says he's been looking at my hours over the last 10 weeks and I haven't been making close to 40 hours. I told him I haven't been scheduled. I only got 22 hours the other week, and he tells me it was because I asked for 2 days off (yes I did, we were supposed to close on a condo and move) Well he refuses to schedule me at 7am because he says that shift is harder to fill if I call out (even though I have only called out 2 times in the last 6 months) and I asked if he could at least schedule me at 8 so I don't hit rush hour for the 9 oclock shift and he said he would think about it.

Anyways, his solution to this was to make me part time. I have worked for this company for 2 years, and the last year and a half I have been full time. I always go out of my way to help, and take people's shifts and I offer to stay late when they need the help. I understand it's business but I'm getting screwed. I won't be eligible for disability after the baby is born. I was thinking about leaving before the baby is born so that kind of makes that moot, but they didn't know that yet and I wasn't totally decided. (although now I am, this was definitely a deciding factor) I am also losing my insurance but I'm about to get onto my husband's so that's not a big deal. I'm just worried I won't have a steady paycheck and this is when I need it the most.

I gues I just needed to vent and was wondering if anyone else was in a similar position. Thanks

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