January 2012 Moms

Team Green- Ruined!

So, we were Team Green.

MH and my 14 yr old DD were the only ones that were supposed to know what LO was. Everyone seemed fine with that except my awful, conniving, manipulative MIL. She took DH (right now he's soooo not "Dear") aside and told him how it hurt her feelings that she couldn't know what the baby was and she just didn't understand why she couldn't know too (She's got a big mouth, THAT'S WHY!) and laid a guilt trip on hiom so thick and he gave in and told her!

I couldn't believe it! Not only did she not respect my wishes but MH didn't either! When he told me I was beyond upset. I knew her feelings weren't hurt, it was just a way for her to get the info from MH.

Well it gets better, she told everyone. Absolutely everyone. MH isn't even upset by it, he just says "What's done is done, I can't change it so what do you want me to do about it?" So now I know what LO is bc with all the people she told, the info got back to me!!!

So now the entire Team Green experience is ruined for me and MH said I shouldn't even be that upset bc he thought it was dumb in the first place.

I cried for 2 hours lastnight. MH and I had a huge fight and we're better now. He admits that it was crappy of him and he shouldn't have told her and he even admitted that his "hag of a mother" (my words, not his) probably did manipulate him. He said he didn't realize how much Team Green meant to me. (He pretty much admitted that he was an all around asss.)

So for all of you wonderful, sweet ladies, Thank you for letting me rant and add me to Team Pink. It's a girl. Her name will be Piper Moon. (MH is part Chinese and Moon is a family name)

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