January 2012 Moms

For those of you with an exec assistant or PA *vent*

To whom it may concern:

Those of us who are executive assistants or personal assistants are happy to help out.  That's our job. We help organize your life so that things run more smoothly.  Some of us are pretty decent at our job.  We can get things done well in a timely manner.  You give me 5 hours to get clearance for your private helicopter with final details 2 hours before landing? Does it make me happy? No. Can I deal with it? Yes. Does it make me wonder about your other PAs in London? You better believe it.

What I don't appreciate, nor am I REMOTELY capable of doing, is asking me at 9p.m., after my pregnant @$$ has been there for 11 hours, to contact the architect for a meeting at 10am tomorrow?  You know the architect who won't pick up his cell phone, answer a text message, or return an email because he probably has a life?

I'm sorry, but I am having a huge problem understanding WHY you couldn't have asked at 4p.m. when I was confirming all of the other appointments and why you needed me to work 12 hours and eventually be woken up in the middle of the night to confirm an effing appointment that you could have asked me to make HOURS ago.

I'm good at my job, but I can't help you if you 1. Don't communicate 2. Don't think things through 3. Don't tell me early enough.

So take your appointment and shove it where the sun don't shine.  I'm turning my cell phone, my personal one, at that, to silent tonight.

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