January 2012 Moms

Concerned about my job...vent

So my boss comes into my office today and drops a bomb that he is adding a new person to our team.  I am not sure of the entire back story, but I know the woman has worked with our company for many years (previously in the same office as me).  For whatever reason she no longer wants to work at the location she at at now and my boss created a position for her in our office.  I know her somewhat and she is a nice person, but my concern is that I will now be splitting my workload with her.  And there is barely enough work for 1 person to do in a 40 hour week.  While it will be nice to actually have a back-up person while I am on Mat leave, up until then and after I return there just isn't enough to do to keep 2 people busy.  I seriously fear that I will be let go after I return from Mat leave.  I know they won't let me go now b/c there is no one else who knows how to do what I do and it's illegal to fire me for being pregnant.  My boss seems excited that he will be able to free up my time to help him with more things.  But the things he has mentioned still won't keep me busy enough, I could add them to my role now with no additional help and not be overwhelmed.  Not long after I started the role I am in was shared by 2 people, and they got rid of the other person b/c there wasn't enough to do.  I feel like it has come full circle and now it will be my time to be let go....especially since the person joining the team has seniority. 

I thought everything was going great here.  My boss and I are pretty close.  We get along on a personal level and work together very well.  When I discussed my pregnancy with him I mentioned the fact that I wanted to breastfeed for 6 months and would like to work from home during that time.  He was all for it and immediately called HR to make sure it was something they approved of (and they did).  Now I just don't know what to think anymore.  I feel like my job is in jeopardy and I am not sure what to do.  He told me to come to him with any questions about this new change.  But I couldn't talk to him today about it b/c I know I would break down crying.

Sorry this was so long.  I am not sure if I am looking for advice or sympathy but thanks for listening/reading.

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