January 2012 Moms

Meet the baby open house?

Reading the post about visitors got me wondering ... Is anyone else thinking about having an open house for family and friends to meet the baby?  If so, how long are you waiting to invite everyone over?

I'd like to have one.  None of our family or friends live in our town (most live about an hour away) and since LO is due in January, I really don't want to take him/her out of the house a ton to visit everyone (we live in northern Ohio and in an area known as "the snow belt").  I was thinking about planning the open house around the time LO is about 4-6 weeks old.  Do you think that is an appropriate length of time to wait though?  I figured closer family and friends will come to the hospital or our house sooner than that, which I would be fine with.  This would mainly be for our extended family members and friends.

Katie BFP #1 03.03.11 - natural m/c 03.22.11 BFP #2 05.11.11 - DS born 1.20.12 BFP #3 02.21.13 - EDD 11.04.13
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