January 2012 Moms

:) Sharing smiles with DH

This weekend, while trying to get to sleep, LO did her normal flip flopping around for about 15 min (I may fall asleep before she's done but I think it's about that long) before bedtime. 

For the first time in months DH and I got in bed at the same time and I told him "If you want to feel your daughter move, now's your chance"  He put down the phone (ohh, facebook how you dominate our lives) and after a few min told me "I don't feel anything" .... So, I poked and prodded until she livened up a bit :)

DH felt LO for the first time!  and it was a weird alien type elbow roll - so it was fabulous :)

I'm glad he finally got to share that with me! His smile lasted through church the next day :)

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