January 2012 Moms


The original thread was pretty long already, so I wanted to send you this separately regarding your frustration with your daughter's progress in school.

I would suggest asking for testing since reading is her main area of academic weakness. There could be an underlying reading disability that won't magically be fixed or addressed by sending her back to 1st grade. Some parents are very turned off by the idea of testing for a disability or area of weakness, but if they find something she can receive accomodations for it and have goals set based on her needs and each year you can revisit those goals and set new ones based on her progress. The accomodations will never expire. My BIL has severe dyslexia and he received his accomodations all the way through college (but not grad. school). 

I feel for you, but it seems like they're not taking logical steps if they are automatically looking at retention. Hang in there!    

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