January 2012 Moms

Car seat stress!!!!

So I am looking for a stroller + infant car seat combo.  This seemed easy enough until I was out this weekend and realized *most* UK car seats don't come with a base that you have in your car.   You just belt the baby in.  WTF?  In Canada when I had my son 6 years ago everything had a base.

Check this picture out (6th picture):   http://www.mothercare.com/eacute-Matrix-Pushchair-Travel-System/dp/B003VZMEY6?ie=UTF8&ref=sr_1_7&nodeId=42803041&sr=1-7&qid=1316424936    Can you believe they advertise putting a baby in the front seat?

So anyways - we are reduced to only a few brands that sell strollers that you can clip an infant car seat into - that come with a car base (as I personally belive this is important safety feature)

The second thing I found interesting was everyone here uses a carry cot (where the baby lays down) as they tell mothers that having a baby in an infant car seat for more than 2 hours is dangerous.  Um what?  My son loved his infant car seat and much preferred sitting up rather than laying down.  Is there a rule... or something out there I haven't seen that you shouldn't have kids in infant car seats for lenghts of time?  Not that I would have him in there all day (as he was obviously being held or feeding) but they make it sounds like it should be for car journey only.

Anyways - thats my struggle - we will keep on searching.   This and the swings (or lack there of) are really making me miss Canada/North America right now.


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