January 2012 Moms

NBR: I am 14 again

My dear friend and I went to see Hanson last night in concert. My friend and I have been big fans for 14 years and we always try to gtg whenever they come to town. It's always a good show. Baby got to hear some good singing and feel some good dancing. Also, I got to stare at Taylor Hanson's ass for 2 hours. Really, it couldn't have been a better night. We had the best spots too. Above to crowd but very close to the stage...on Isaac's side. Ahhh memories. I have seen a hanson show while being pg with both daughters. You know, gotta start off the teen obsessions early! Smile
Robin - CO Mod * RP & JHutch Lover * Hufflepuff
Tizzle 10/07 ~ Boppy 7/09 ~ Chicken 1/12
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Currently reading: The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon
Currently listening to: The Dark Divine by Bree Despain
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