January 2012 Moms

underwhelmed with choices for boy clothes...

I NEVER had problems finding clothes for my DD and had to put a cap on how much I could spend/buy.  Since we found out this LO is a boy I've been looking around in the boy/gender neutral sections and am REALLY disappointed.  With the little girl clothes I would see something and have like an immediate connection with something and knew I liked it right away.

With the boy things I haven't found ANYTHING that I've had that same reaction to.  I've purchased a few items but nothing excites me and the things I bought I got b/c I could live with them, not b/c I love them.

I'm not a fan of half the animal ones, hate cars, sports, skulls, "tough guy" themes, dogs, polos or most of the striped shirts, etc.  That pretty much wipes it out, huh?

I like space, music and dinosaur themed stuff but most of the stuff following those themes I don't think look that cute...I think my poor kid will be naked his whole life!  Or at least while I'm responsible for buying his clothes.

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