January 2012 Moms

t & p for our cousin please!

About 2 yrs ago, DH's wonderful cousin was pregnant with her second baby.  During her bloodwork screenings, they discovered that she had thyroid cancer.  She was able to sustain the pregnancy and delivered a beautiful little girl in December of 2009.  She then had surgery/ chemo to remove the cancer.  We were so happy because her 6 month cancer scan and her 12 month cancer scan were clear.  They recently did another scan as she is a little past the 18 month mark.  Unfortunately the results were not so positive this time.  We have learned that her cancer is back, and we are awaiting more tests to determine how much cancer, what kind, what stage, etc.  Please keep her and her family in your t & p.  She is only 24 yrs old, married to a great man, and a sahm to a 3 yr old DD & a 20 month DD.


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