January 2012 Moms

Been MIA on vacation and a team....

I was abroad for 10 days and then came home for our a/s on Friday all is perfect with baby and it is a BOY!  We were totally surprised  we both thought this little one was a girl. He was measuring about a week ahead but they aren't moving my due date.  We decided on Sean Thomas for his name and I even bought my 1st blue outfit yesterday it was a big change from all the ruffles and pink of girl clothes!  We are all moving so far along in our pregnancies we will have outside babies in no time!
Taylor Annalee 12/1/09 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Sean Thomas 1/26/2012 Lilypie First Birthday tickers Angel Baby missed m/c 2/17/11, D&E 2/18/11
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