January 2012 Moms

Too Stressed!

Before you reply, I know that I "shouldn't let it get to me" and I should be "thinking about the baby" and all that, but really, I just need to complain, get this off my chest, and feel a little bit like I am in the right.

So I am WAY too stressed.  I am up at 2am thinking about how this other teacher in my department pissed me off and created a LOT more work for me.  She is over-bearing, demanding, and refuses to listen when I answer her questions.  Yesterday, she pretty much ticked off 50% of the office staff, and the people at the district level who are in charge of money.... not a good idea..  Then, I come to find out, she has been throwing my name into the mix.  So now, all those pissed off people think I had something to do with this woman's insane demands.

I won't go into the details, because it would require too much back story, but as I shot awake about an hour and a half ago, I started running through all of this, then my baby came to mind and I could not feel her kicking.  So then my over-active mind launched into a new level of stress where I am now worried that all of this has somehow hurt my baby.  I felt a small kick a little bit ago, but I am still just not calm enough to get back to sleep.

Am I the only one with these panic attacks?  I hate this.  I just want to quit my job and get rid of these toxic people in my life!

Ok, that's done.  Sorry about the vent.  I just needed that out.... now, water, and bed.

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