January 2012 Moms

DH Vent

My hubby is driving me up the wall today!

He has the day off and so I left him this morning for 2 hours while I went to Bible Study. I asked him before I left if he wanted me to put the dog up. He said no that he'd be working on homework but that he could watch her. She's been iffy with the whole bathroom thing since we came back from vacation (she's litter trained and sometimes decides that front paws in means she's good). We have a baby gate to keep her upstairs so we can monitor potty time and make sure she's good. I reminded him before I left that if she was not in her crate, the baby gate needed to be up so she can't go downstairs. 

 Well, I return home from bible study to find my house in disarray. The dog's rear end is a mess. She apparently had diarrhea and had strewn nastiness all over the downstairs. I immediately set out cleaning because I didn't want it to stain my floors. Then I notice she missed the litter box and the pad we have underneath it and a little bit of urine leaked onto the floor. That's definitely something you don't want to sit and it looked like it had been there for at least an hour. My hubby eventually comes downstairs to greet me as I am finishing up spraying the carpet to notify me that there were messes on the floor upstairs from her messy booty and that he marked it for me so I would know where to clean!

I swear I almost knocked his head off. I asked him why he didn't clean it since he knew it was there. His response was that he didn't know where the cleaning spray was. It's been in the same cabinet for the past 2 years that we have lived here. It's never moved. So then I had to clean that up.

I asked him why the gate wasn't up so that she couldn't come downstairs. He said, "She didn't want to come upstairs. So I left her downstairs." Are you kidding me?! It's a 25lb Corgi. I can get her up the stairs no problem but DH can't? I told him that was BS and that she always comes when called and if she didn't he should have picked her up and brought her up to her crate. Then he admits he really didn't want to watch her because he was "busy." Again, I'm busy during the day but still manage to put the gate up and keep an eye on her. And if I can't, I crate her until I can watch her.

Ugh. Then on top of all that, I was discussing the nursery with him and some of my ideas and he basically disregards them all and says that I don't know what I'm doing and he thinks my decorating ideas aren't that good. I'm to the point where I just want to say, "Fine, you decorate."

Okay, I think I'm done. I just needed to vent before I kill him.  

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BFP #1 5/07/11, DS 01/19/12
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