January 2012 Moms

scary-ish (not too scary) OB appt/induction-related

I had an appointment this morning, and was asking about when we will find out more/discuss what actually happens when the baby's born, and she said that while they will let me do anything I want within reason if everything's going well, we'll just have to see how labor is at the time (I'm high-risk).  Then she said that, because of my medical condition and complications that can arise, they will likely induce me if I go much past 39 weeks!  So.....now I'm freaking out.  I've known all along that I could very likely not have a dream-world, complication-free delivery, but it just really hit home and shook me up, and I feel like now there's no way I won't be induced, because it seems like most people are late, not early with their first baby. Everything I see about getting induced is so horrible, and seems to always result in an epi and/or c-section.  (FYI, I'm not dissing on people who've had either of these, it would just be my preference to avoid them if safe and possible).

To top it all off, DH is out of town for work a month, with 2 more weeks to go, so he's missed 2 ultrasounds now and it just makes me so so sad that he's missing them and missing feeling the baby start to move more.  I tell myself that it's better that he's gone now instead of two months from now, and I'm not mad at him at all, just sad not to have him here to share all of this with.

I guess if anyone has stories of inductions that have gone smoothly, I'd love to hear them!

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