January 2012 Moms

Starting to worry about GD

I have never had it. My aunt got it with her 2nd child and it never went away so she has had diabetes since so it's always been something on the back of my mind. I haven't had it with the other 2 kids but I have never gained so much weight so quickly or felt so hungry(at least I don't remember feeling this way). I feel like I am gaining way too fast. I thought it would start leveling off and it hasn't. I'll be honest. I am not the best eater but I am not gorging myself every day. I walk daily and try to drink as much water as possible. Yes, I do enjoy some snacks and candy but I really don't think it's any different than I have been during past pgs. Shoot, with one, I got addicted to frosties and had about 1 a day. I guess I will just have to try to back off a little bit more...try to exercise more(which is hard with the pain I have but we are getting our elliptical back this week.) and be patient for my 28 week appt.


Robin - CO Mod * RP & JHutch Lover * Hufflepuff
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